Showing posts from 2021

Apple variety identification

Collar Rot and Root Rot in Apple

Collar Rot of Apple The disease was reported in 1960 in India. In Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh, 13.27 percent …

How to prepare fungicidal solutions at home

Bordeaux Mixture It act as contact fungicide and bactericide.

Woolly Apple Aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum) and its Management

Introduction In India, the insect was reported in 1889 from Conoor district of Tamil Nadu and 1909 from Shimla (H.P.)…

What are EC, SC and other pesticide formulations?

EMULSIFIABLE CONCENTRATE (EC) It is most active form and highly reactive.

Compatibility of Pesticides

Introduction During field visits by extension experts in Himachal Pradesh, India, the farmers generally ask queries abo…

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