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During field visits by extension experts in Himachal Pradesh, India, the farmers generally ask queries about the mixing of two or more pesticides for spray in their orchard.

The main reasons are following:-

  • It saves the labour cost, water requirements and time.
  • Different pests can be controlled at same time.
  • Sprayers can be saved from wear and tear.
  • It may reduce the dose of one chemical on account of synergistic effects of other chemical.

But this type of practices can create another problem due to their incompatibilities on mixing.

  •      It may reduce the bio efficacy of both pesticides.
  •      The mixture of two pesticides may be toxic to plants in many ways, which is known       as phytotoxicity.
  •     It may develop pest resistance to such chemicals.
  •     It may become hazardous to other non-target living organisms.
  •     Incompatible pesticides may clog or plug spray nozzles, completely.
  •     In overall, it is financial and yield loss to farmer.


It is very important to consult experts before mixing of two pesticides for spray. But sometimes, the field functionaries cannot recommend mixing, due to lack of experience and non-availability of authorized and authentic literature on pesticides. To solve this problem of farmers and field functionaries of Himachal Pradesh, the following combinations of some commonly used pesticides and their compatibility has been taken from some authentic literature sources and can be used in the field:-

Benalaxyl + Mancozeb = Compatible
Benalaxyl + Mancozeb + Fosetyl = Compatible
Benomyl + Mancozeb = Compatible
Benomyl + Thiram = Compatible
Bitertanol + Fuberidazole = Compatible
Bitertanol 25 WP +Dimethoate 30 EC = Compatible
Bitertanol 25 WP+Fenazaquin 10 E = Compatible
Bitertanol 25 WP+Propargite 57 EC = Compatible
Bitertanol 25 WP+Quinalphos 25 EC = Compatible
Bitertanol 25 WP+Chlorpyriphos  = Incompatible
Bromophos + Captan + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Bromuconazole + Iprodione = Compatible
Bodaeaux Mixture+Chlorpyriphos= Incompatible
Bodaeaux Mixture +Captan= Incompatible
Bodaeaux Mixture+Carbendazim= Incompatible
Bodaeaux Mixture +Chlorothalonil = Compatible
Bodaeaux Mixture +Dinocap= Incompatible
Bodaeaux Mixture +Mancozeb= Incompatible
Bodaeaux Mixture+Thiophanate Methyl= Incompatible
Bodaeaux Mixture+Wettable Sulphur= Incompatible
Bodaeaux Mixture +Dodine= Incompatible
Bupirimate + Chlorothalonil = Compatible
Bupirimate + Hexaconazole = Compatible
Bupirimate + Triforine= Compatible
Captan/Pyrifenox + Dithianon or Mancozeb = Compatible
Captan + DCNA = Compatible
Captan + Dichloran = Compatible
Captan + Fosetyl aluminium + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Captan + Quintozene + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Captan 50 WP+Chlorpyriphos = Incompatible
Captan 50 WP+ Dicofol 18.5 EC= Incompatible
Captan 50 WP+Fenazaquin 10 EC= Incompatible
Carbendazim+Chlorothalonil= Compatible
Carbendazim+ Thiophanate Methyl = Compatible
Carbendazim+Stroptomycin= Compatible
Carbendazim+Melathion= Compatible
Carbendazim+Dimethoate= Compatible
Carbendazim+Demeton Methyl= Compatible
Carbendazim+Propiconazole= Compatible
Carbendazim+Propiconazole= Compatible
Carbendazim+Propiconazole= Compatible
Carbendazim + Chlorothalonil = Compatible
Carbendazim + Chlorothalonil + Maneb = Compatible
Carbendazim + Fenpropimorph = Compatible
Carbendazim + Flutriafol = Compatible
Carbendazim + Flutriafol + Chlorothalonil + Pyrazophos = Compatible
Carbendazim + Hexaconazole = Compatible
Carbendazim + Iprodione = Compatible
Carbendazim + Mancozeb = Compatible
Carbendazim + Mancozeb + Sulphur = Compatible
Carbendazim + Maneb = Compatible
Carbendazim + Maneb + Sulphur = Compatible
Carbendazim + Maneb + Tridemorph = Compatible
Carbendazim + Prochloraz = Compatible
Carbendazim + Propiconazole = Compatible
Carbendazim + Tecnazene = Compatible
Carbendazim + Thiram + Gamma HCH = Compatible
Carbendazim + Vinclozolin = Compatible
Carbofuran+Carbosulfan = Incompatile
Carboxin + Captan = Compatible
Carboxin + Diazinon + Lindane = Compatible
Carboxin + Imazalil + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Carboxin + Maneb + Lindane = Compatible
Carboxin + Metalaxyl + Quintozene = Compatible
Carboxin + PCNB = Compatible
Carboxin + Phenylmercury acetate = Compatible
Carboxin + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Carboxin + Thiram = Compatible
Carboxin + Thiram + Gamma HCH = Compatible
Carboxin + Thiram + Lindane = Compatible
Chlorpyrifos+Captan= Compatible
Chlorpyrifos+Carbendazim = Compatible
Chlorpyrifos+Chlorothalonil= Compatible
Chlorpyrifos +Dinocap = Compatible
Chlorpyrifos+ Mancozeb= Compatible
Chlorpyrifos+Thiophanate Methyl= Compatible
Chlorpyrifos +Wettable Sulphur= Compatible
Chlorpyrifos+Dodine= Compatible
Chlorothalonil + Carbendazim = Compatible
Chlorothalonil + Copper oxychloride = Compatible
Chlorothalonil + Fenpropimorph = Compatible
Chlorothalonil + Flutriafol = Compatible
Chlorothalonil + Metalaxyl = Compatible
Chlorothalonil + Propamocarb = Compatible
Copper Oxycholride +Mancozeb= Incompatible
Copper Oxycholride +Imidacloprid= Compatible
Copper Oxychloride +Hexaconazole= Compatible
Copper Oxychloride +Metalaxyl= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride +Sulphur= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride +Metalaxyl + Macozeb= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride +Cypermethrin= Compatible
Copper Oxychloride +Chlorpyriphos= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride +Captan= Compatible
Copper Oxychloride +Dichlorvos= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride +Quinalphos= Compatible
Copper Oxychloride +Carbaryl= Compatible
Copper Oxychloride +Thiophanate Methyl= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride +Wettable Sulphur= Compatible
Copper Oxychloride + Streptomycin= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride +Dodine= Incompatible
Copper Oxychloride+Copper carbonate+Copper Sulphate+Mancozeb= Compatible
Copper oxychloride +Copper Sulfate +Copper carbonate + Folpet = Compatible
Copper oxychloride + Maneb + Sulphur = Compatible
Copper oxychloride + Sulphur = Compatible
Copper oxychloride + Zineb = Compatible
Copper Sulfate + Cufraneb = Compatible
Copper sulfate + Sulphur = Compatible
Cymoxanil + Mancozeb = Compatible
Cymoxanil + Propineb = Compatible
Cypermethrin+Fenazaquin = Compatible
Cypermethrin+ Propargite 57% EC= Incompatible
Cypermethrin+Deltamethrin 2.8 E.C= Incompatible
Cypermethrin+ Dursban= Incompatible
Cypermethrin+ Lambda-cyhalothrin= Incompatible
Cypermethrin+Hexaconazole= Compatible
Deltamethrin 2.8 E.C +Sulphur= Incompatible
Difenaconazole 25 EC+Fenpyroximate 5 SC= Compatible
Difenaconazole 25 EC+ Dimethoate 30 EC = Compatible
Difenaconazole 25 EC+Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Compatible
Difenaconazole 25 EC+Quinalphos 25 EC= Compatible
Difenaconazole 25 EC+Abamectin 1.8 EC= Compatible
Difenaconazole 25 EC+Fenazaquin 10 EC= Compatible
Dimethomorph + Mancozeb = Compatible
Dithionon 75 WP+Dimethoate 30 EC= Compatible
Dithionon 75 WP+Quinalphos 25 EC= Compatible
Dithionon 75 WP +Abamectin 1.8 EC= Compatible
Dithionon 75 WP +Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Compatible
Dithionon 75 WP +Fenazaquin 10 EC= Compatible
Dodine +Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Incompatible
Dodine+Dimethoate 30 EC= Incompatible
Dodine+Fenazaquin10 EC= Incompatible
Epoxiconazole + Fenpropimorph = Compatible
Epoxiconazole + Thiophanate-methyl = Compatible
Epoxiconazole + Tridemorph = Compatible
Ethirimol + Flutriafol + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Fenazaquin+Thiamethoxam 25= Compatible
Fenazaquin+Imidacloprid= Compatible
Fenazaquin+Deltamethrin 2.8 E.C= Incompatible
Fenazaquin+Lambda-cyhalothrin= Incompatible
Fenarimol + Dodine = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Chlorothalonil + Carbendazim = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Fenpropidin = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Fenpropidin + Prochloraz = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Iprodione = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Prochloraz = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Thiram + Gamma HCH = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Thiram + Lindane = Compatible
Fenpropimorph + Tridemorph = Compatible
Fentin acetate + Maneb = Compatible
Fentin hydroxide + Maneb + Zinc = Compatible
Fentin hydroxide + Metoxuron = Compatible
Fentin hydroxide + Sulphur = Compatible
Ferbam + Maneb + Zineb = Compatible
Flusilazole + Chlorothalonil = Compatible
Flusilazole + Tridemorph = Compatible
Flusilazole 40 EC+Dimethoate 30 EC= Compatible
Flusilazole 40 EC+Fenazaquin 10 EC= Compatible
Flusilazole 40 EC+Propargite 57 EC= Compatible
Fenarimol 12 EC+Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Compatible
Fenarimol 12 EC+Dimethoate 30 EC= Compatible
Fenarimol 12 EC+Fenazaquin10 EC= Compatible
Fosetyl + Captan + Carbendazim = Compatible
Fosetyl + Folpet = Compatible
Fosetyl + Folpet + Cymoxanil = Compatible
Fosetyl + Mancozeb + Cymoxanil = Compatible
Fuberidazole + Imazalil + Triadimenol = Compatible
Glyphosate+2,4 D = Compatible
Guazatine + Imazalil = Compatible
Hexaconazole 5 EC+Fenpyroximate 5 SC= Compatible
Hexaconazole 5 EC+Dimethoate 30 EC= Compatible
Hexaconazole 5 EC+Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Compatible
Hexaconazole 5 EC+Fenzaquin 10 EC= Compatible
Hexaconazole 5 EC+Quinalphos 25 EC= Compatible
Hexaconazole + Fenpropidin = Compatible
Iodophor + Tecnazene = Compatible
Iodophor + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Iprodione + Thiophanate-methyl = Compatible
Kresoxim methyl + Epoxiconazole = Compatible
Kresoxim methyl + Mancozeb = Compatible
Mancozeb 75 WP+Quinalphos 25 EC = Compatible
Mancozeb 75 WP+Fenzaquin 10 EC = Compatible
Mancozeb 75 WP+Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Compatible
Mancozeb 75 WP+Dicofol 18.5 EC= Compatible
Mancozeb + Benalaxyl = Compatible
Mancozeb + Cymoxanil = Compatible
Mancozeb + Fosetyl = Compatible
Mancozeb + Metalaxyl = Compatible
Mancozeb + Ofurace = Compatible
Mancozeb + Oxadixyl = Compatible
Mancozeb + Pyrifenox = Compatible
Maneb + Zinc oxide = Compatible
Maneb + Zineb = Compatible
Malathion+Bordeaux= Incompatible
Malathion +Carbaryl = Incompatible
Metalaxyl +Sulphur = Incompatible
Metalaxyl + Copper= Compatible
Metalaxyl + Copper + Folpet = Compatible
Metalaxyl + Folpet = Compatible
Metalaxyl + Metiram = Compatible
Metalaxyl + PCNB = Compatible
Metalaxyl + Thiabendazole + Furathiocarb = Compatible
Metalaxyl + Thiabendazole + Thiram = Compatible
Methyl bromide + Chloropicrin = Compatible
Methyl iso thiocyanate + Dichloropropene = Compatible
Metiram + Cymoxanil = Compatible
Metiram + cymoxanil + Copper oxychloride = Compatible
Metiram + Metiram Zinc = Compatible
Metiram + Nitrothal-isopropyl = Compatible
Metiram + Ofurace = Compatible
Myclobutanil 10 WP+Propargite 57 EC= Compatible
Myclobutanil 10 WP+Dimethoate 30 EC= Compatible
Myclobutanil 10 WP+Fenzaquin 10 EC= Compatible
Myclobutanil 10 WP+Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Compatible
Nuarimol + Chlorothalonil = Compatible
Nuarimol + Imazalil = Compatible
Nuarimol + Mancozeb = Compatible
Oxadixyl + Cymoxanil + Dithiocarbamate + Phtalimide = Compatible
Oxine-Copper + Copper hydroxide = Compatible
Penconazole + Captan = Compatible
Penconazole + Mancozeb = Compatible
Penconazole 10 EC+Dimethoate 30 EC= Compatible
Penconazole 10 EC +Quinalphos 25 EC= Compatible
Penconazole 10 EC+Abamectin 1.8 EC= Compatible
Phenylmercury acetate + Gamma HCH = Compatible
Prochloraz + Carbendazim = Compatible
Prochloraz + Carbendazim + Tebuconazole = Compatible
Prochloraz + Carboxin = Compatible
Prochloraz + Cyproconazole= Compatible
Prochloraz + Fenpropidin = Compatible
Prochloraz + Fenpropimorph = Compatible
Prochloraz + Manganese chloride complex = Compatible
Propamocarb + Mancozeb = Compatible
Propiconazole + Carbendazim = Compatible
Propiconazole + Chlorothalonil = Compatible
Propiconazole + Fenpropidin = Compatible
Propiconazole + Fenpropimorph = Compatible
Propiconazole + Imazalil + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Propiconazole + Tridemorph = Compatible
Propineb + Oxadixyl = Compatible
Propargite 57 EC+Deltamethrin 2.8 E.C= Incompatible
Propargite 57 EC+Abamectin = Compatible
Propargite 57 EC+Lambda-cyhlothrin= Incompatible
Sulphur + Nitrothal-isopropyl = Compatible
Tebuconazole + Imazalil = Compatible
Tecnazene + Organo iodine = Compatible
Tecnazene + Thiabendazole = Compatible
Thiabendazole + Imazalil = Compatible
Thiabendazole + Thiram = Compatible
Thiabendazole + Thiram + Gamma HCH = Compatible
Thiram + Gamma-HCH = Compatible
Triadimenol + Thiram = Compatible
Triadimenol + Tridemorph = Compatible
Triticonazole + Anthraquinone = Compatible
Triticonazole + Iprodione = Compatible
Triadimefon 25 WP+Fenpyroximate 5 SC= Compatible
Triadimefon 25 WP+Dimethoate 30 EC= Compatible
Triadimefon 25 WP +Chlorpyriphos 20 EC= Compatible
Triadimefon 25 WP +Quinalphos 25 EC= Compatible
Triadimefon 25 WP+Fenzaquin 10 EC= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Wettable Sulphur= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Dodine= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Dinocap= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Chlorothalonil= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Captan= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Malathion= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Dimethoate= Compatible
Thiophanate Methyl+Demeton Methyl= Compatible
Vinclozolin + Chlorothalonil = Compatible
Vinclozolin + Maneb = Compatible
vinclozolin + Thiram = Compatible
Ziram 80 WP+Quinalphos 25 EC= Compatible
Ziram 80 WP+Fenazaquin 10 EC= Compatible
Zineb 75 WP+Quinalphos 25 EC= Compatible
Zineb 75 WP+Fenazaquin10 EC= Compatible
Any insecticide/miticide/fungicide+Hexaconazole=Compatible

Jar Test 

If you didn’t find desired pesticides in above combination, we have solution for this. The “Jar test” can be done for physical compatibility of pesticides. The procedure of jar test is given as under:-

  1. Take glass Jar and wash it properly.
  2.  Add 500ml of water into jar.
  3. Add pesticides in proportion to rate to be used in field.
  4. Table spoon or disposable syringe can be used for measuring out small quantities of powder or liquid, respectively.
  5. Then, cap the jar and shake it well.
  6. Leave the jar stand undisturbed for at least half an hour or overnight, if possible.
  7. If both pesticides are mixed properly without leaving any sign of incompatibility, then it is good for making mixture in tank for spray.
  8. If a separate oily layer, large oil granules, jel, clumps of solids or sludge forms in the bottom of jar, the mixture should not be used.

 It is important to note that, the jar test only tests physical incompatibility, not chemical incompatibility. The best way to test for chemical incompatibility is to spray the mixture in a small area and check for crop damage or reduced performance of plants.

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