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 Uses of Mancozeb / Maneb


v Mancozeb is an excellent, broad-spectrum fungicide to control wide variety of foliage and fruit diseases of vegetables i.e. potato, tomato, and vine crops, flowers, trees, grasses and fruit crops. It is an organic sulphur compound derived from dithiocarbamates. The chemical name of Mancozeb is Manganous ethylenebisdithiocarbamate. It was developed by E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Rohm and Haas Company, and Bayer A.G. of Germany.

v Mancozeb is available in mixture form with other chemicals in India. Sometimes, it is mixed with zinc ions and this formulation is known as maneb zinc, sold as Manzate D and zinc ion maneb is called Mancozeb.


v It comes in market under different names viz. Indofil M-45, Dithane M-45, Mass M-45, Kohinoor M-45, Dhanuka M-45, Abic M-45, Emthane M-45, Uthane M-45,Hindustan M-45, Gold M-45, Marlett M-45.


v The addition of Zinc into it, reduces the phytotoxicity of maneb and improves its fungicidal properties. Another effect of this fungicide is to supply Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn) to plants.


v The yellow coloured mancozeb is slightly soluble in water. It is compatible with most pesticides, except the fixed coppers and Bordeaux mixture. It is also compatible with growth promoting substances like giberellic acid.


v Mancozeb is claimed to be less toxic by experts, but it may be phytotoxic to tobacco seedlings and some varieties of apple and cucurbits. Excessive application can be toxic to crops tomato, lettuce, pepper and cauliflower. It is also toxic to humans when consumed orally. It causes irritation to nose and throat if inhaled.


v It seems to adversely affect the pollen germination. Prolonged storage of seed treated with Mancozeb results in lesser germination.


v Mancozeb is most commonly used as foliar sprays. Sometimes, it is used as foliar dusting and soil treatments.


v It is used to control of alternaria blight disease of crucifer plants (Alternaria brassicae)


v As per recommendations from spray schedule of apple issued from Department of Horticulture, Himachal Pradesh, mancozeb has been recommended @ 600 gm per 200 L of water at pink bud and fruit development stage to control the apple scab disease.


v In Almonds, it is used to control brown rot disease if applied @ 2 gm per Litre of water (0.2%) at popcorn, full bloom and petal fall stage.


v In Apricot, Mancozeb is used to control brown rot shot hole disease. It can be sprayed @ 2 gm per Litre of water (0.2%) at red bud, early bloom and full bloom stage.


v In Banana, various fruit rots caused by Gloeosporium musarium and Fusarium roseum can be controlled by post harvest dip in 2 gm per Litre of water (0.2%). It is a moderate control and not good as benomyl or thiabendazole.


v In beans, diseases like anthracnose, rust, downy mildew and mung bean leaf spot can be checked when sprayed with 2 gm per litre of water (0.2%) on appearance of disease and repeat it at 7-10 days intervals. 30 minutes seed dip with 3 gm per Litre of water (0.3%) checks various the seed infections caused by fungi.


v Cabbage and pear leaf spot can be cured by spraying 2 gm per litre of water (0.2%) and repeated weekly interval.


v For Chili fruit rot, 2 gm per litre water (0.2%) can be sprayed at 15 days intervals from November onwards. Spray of 150 ml of Monocrotophos (0.075%) with 500 gm of mancozeb per 200 L water (0.25%) can be done for combined control of disease and pest.


v In Cucurbits, anthracnose, downy mildew, leaf spots and angular leaf spots can be controlled with sprays of Mancozeb 2 gm per L water (0.2%) at 7-10 days intervals.


v Leaf and fruit spot of egg plant can be controlled with sprays of mancozeb 2 gm per L water (0.2%) at 15 days intervals.


v This fungicide @ 500 gm per 200 L of water is also effective for control of ginger leaf spot at 10 days interval and ground nut leaf spot rust at 14 days interval. Mixing with carbendazim found very useful.


v Black rot in grapes can be controlled with spray of mancozeb 2 gm per L water (0.2%) just before bloom and just after bloom at 7-10 days interval.


v In Lettuce, downy mildew, leaf spot and ring spot diseases can be controlled with sprays of mancozeb 2 gm per L water (0.2%) at 7 - 14 days intervals. The spray should be started with disease appearance. The same is also very effective against Anthracnose, Leaf spot, white rust downy mildew of spinach and leaf spot of sugar beat.


v Leaf blight in mustard & onion and purple blotch can be controlled with the spray of mancozeb 2 gm per L water (0.2%).


v With the dip of oranges for 10 min in 1000 ppm of mancozeb solution can avoid the post harvest fruit rot in oranges. 


v Papaya diseases like anthracnose, foot rot, fruit rot, trunk canker can be controlled with the spray of 1.5 gm per litre water (1.8 Kg per Ha). Three weekly spray should be done, but it less effective than chlorothalonil.


v Leaf curl and brown rot in peaches can be controlled with mancozeb 2 gm per L water (0.2%). Spray should be done in pink, full bloom and petal fall stage for brown rot, and one dormant spray & one more just before bud open for leaf curl.


v For downy mildew of pea, spray of 3 gm per litre of mancozeb (0.3%) or 5 gm per litre (0.5%) of maneb, one to two sprays at flowering stage may reduce the pod infection. For rust disease of peas & phalsa, Mancozeb 2 gm per litre (0.2%) water can be sprayed. Three to four sprays at 10 days are effective, start from disease first appearance.


v Mancozeb @ 2 gm per L water (0.2%) is very effective in various potato diseases. For early and late blight, start application when plants are about 4 to 6 inches and repeat at 7-14 days interval according to weather. For black leg of potato, seed piece treatment can be done. Seed piece dip for 10 minutes plus soil treatment with 2 kg per 100 litre of PCNB can be done. Ten minutes tuber dip is also quite effective in case of post harvest tuber rot.


v Alternaria blight of Radish can be controlled with the spray of mancozeb @ 2.5 gm per litre water (3 Kg per Ha).


v Black spot of rose and blights in maize can be checked with the spray of 300 gm per 200 litre of water (0.15%) at weekly interval.


v For tobacco disease, such as Blue mould and Anthracnose @ 1-2 gm per L water (0.1 – 0.2%), Frog eye @ 2 gm per L water (0.2%), brown spot @ 2.5 gm per L water (0.25%) sprays can be done.


v Mancozeb @ 2 gm per L water (0.2%) at 7 – 10 days inteval is very effective against various tomato diseases viz. early blight, late blight, leaf spots, grey leaf spots, stem and fruit rot, leaf mould, anthracnose, buck eye rot and fruit rot after harvesting by dipping the fruits for 10 minutes. Seed treatment at same dose should be done in case of damping off in tomato.


v Seed treatment of zinnia flower at 3 gm per litre water (0.3%) is very effect in controlling seed rot and seedling rot diseases caused by various fungal pathogens.


v The above article has been prepared from authentic literature resources. The help from various books has been taken during writing this article i.e. Fungicides in Plant Disease Control by Y. L. Nene and P. N. Thapliyal and Plant Pathology by George N. Agrios etc and Spray schedule issued from department of horticulture, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla 171002 at their official website and other authentic material issued form authorized agencies.


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