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Department of Horticulture is providing assistance to the farmers belonging to the Small & Marginal categories, Scheduled caste, Scheduled tribe and women farmers so that they could improve their economy by adopting avocations like Apiculture, Floriculture, Cultivation of Mushrooms, Medicinal and aromatic plants. The Department under various State Plan and Centrally Sponsored Schemes is providing assistance to the farmers which are given as under:

1.      State Plan Schemes

2.      State Sponsored Schemes

3.      Centrally Sponsored Schemes

a.     Horticulture Mission for North Eastern and Himalayan States Click here

b.     Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (PMKYS) Click here

c.     Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna Click here

d.     Sub Mission of Agriculture Mechanization Click here

4.      Himachal Pradesh-Horticulture Development Project (HP-HDP) Click here





This sector comprises of following schemes of Horticulture Development aimed at area expansion and productivity enhancement under different Horticultural crops and allied activities.

     Plant Protection Scheme:


Ø  Control of pests and diseases in all horticulture crops and supply of recommended pesticides to farmers. Promotion of IPM/Bio-control.


Ø  Provision of technical advisory service and supply of quality pesticides on subsidy for Control of pests and diseases through 354 centres all over the state. >1.79 lac ha. area brought annually under plant protection.

Ø  Rearing and release of Bio-control agents in field.


     Plant Nutrition Programme:


Ø  Assessing nutritional status of perennial fruit crops for recommendation of judicious use of fertilizers and micronutrients through leaf analysis.


Ø  Collection and analysis of around 17450 leaf samples every year free of cost at 6 Plant tissue analysis Laboratories for making recommendations to farmers.

       Horticulture Development  Scheme

Aims at the creation and maintenance of infrastructural facilities in the rural areas for ensuring equitable access to the resources and inputs required for the promotion of all fruit crops, hops and medicinal and aromatic plants.


Ø  Developments of fruit production, area expansion programme, demonstration of new technologies and improved package of practices in the orchards of fruit growers.

Ø  Major works for the development of infrastructures, development of Walnut/Hazelnut/Pecan nut, development of Olive, development of Mango/Litchi in lower hill areas, development of Strawberry and other small fruits, development of Medicinal and aromatic plants, Horticulture information services.


Ø  Supply of Fruit Plants and elite plant material from registered Govt. and Private Nurseries.

Ø  Supply of horticulture inputs

Ø  Bringing additional area of 2550 hectare under fruit annually.

Ø  Establishment of new orchard (Individually or as Garden colony)

Establishment & Maintenance of Government Orchards and Nurseries:

Aims to establish and maintain orchards and nurseries to stock progeny trees of outstanding merit for multiplication and supply of elite pedigree, quality and disease free plant material.


Ø  Establishment & Maintenance of 93 Departmental Progeny cum Demonstration Orchards including 66 Government Nurseries as model units for demonstration of modern horticultural techniques.

Ø  Production, multiplication and supply of elite plant material under ‘The Himachal Pradesh Fruit Nurseries Registration & Regulation Act 2015’.

Ø  Laying out of adaptability trials of new varieties /techniques.


Ø  Production of elite plant material at Govt. nurseries (approx. 9 lakh plants every year) by multiplication.

Ø  Registration of Fruit plants nurseries in Govt.  and private sector under ‘The Himachal Pradesh  Fruit Nurseries Registration & Regulation Act 2015’. 

     Development of Beekeeping:

Aims at creating self-employment opportunities for the unemployed rural youths by setting up of beekeeping units and enhancing fruit production by way of improved pollination.


Ø  Establishing nucleus apiaries in the potential areas for breeding of honeybees for supply to beekeepers.

Ø  Transfer of apiculture technology.


Ø  Supply of bee colonies, hives and tools on subsidy. Supply of bee colonies on rental basis to orchardists for pollination in their orchards during flowering season.

Ø  Training to prospective beekeepers.

Ø  32 Departmental Demonstration apiaries maintaining about 1000 bee colonies for multiplication and supply to farmers.

Ø  About 1500 farmers are presently engaged in beekeeping activities maintaining 83000 bee colonies. Annual honey production around 1500 MT.

     Fruit Processing Scheme:


Ø  To promote home scale preservation of fruits and vegetables through trainings and demonstrations.

Ø  Providing Community Canning Services.


Ø  Trainings to farmers in home scale preservation of fruits.

Ø  Production of processed fruit products at 8 departmental Fruit Canning Units and 5 Community Training Centers serving as demonstration units.

      Horticulture Training and Extension :


Ø  Transfer of technology to farmers for their capacity building and skill development.


Ø   Organization of Village/Block/Distt. level training camps, training Courses, workshops and seminars for skill development of farmers in horticulture.  About 42000 about farmers are trained annually.


        Development of Floriculture:


Ø  Area Expansion under commercial floriculture.

Ø  Creation of infrastructural facilities for demonstration of commercial flower production.

Ø  Introduction and multiplication of quality planting material/bulbs/seeds.


Ø  Training programmes for commercial production of different flowers.

Ø  Multiplication of quality planting material/bulbs/seeds at two Model Floriculture Centres and 7 Floriculture nurseries of the state

Ø  Supply of elite floriculture plant material to the flower growers, at reasonable rates.

    Development of Mushroom:

Aims at promotion of Mushroom cultivation as cottage industry for self- employment.


Ø  Establishment of infrastructure for mushroom cultivation in public and private sector.

Ø  Transfer of Mushroom Cultivation Technology.


Ø  5 days training on mushroom cultivation technology to prospective mushroom growers.

Ø  Preparation and supply of quality pasteurized compost and spawn on subsidy to SF/MF/SC/ST/IRDP/Unemployed graduate farmers through 5 Mushroom Composting Units.

 Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme

It has been observed in recent years that  Global warming and climate changes have resulted into extreme and unpredictable weather conditions. The Himalayan ecosystem is very sensitive to climate change. The natural calamities in this region are occurring with greater severity and more frequently in recent years. This is causing severe losses to fruit crops every year and has adversely affected the economy of the Horticulture industry in the state. Fruit crops are sensitive to adverse weather conditions, and crop insurance is one of the options with the farmer to compensate the losses to fruit crops due to these natural calamities.

The Government of Himachal Pradesh had launched ‘Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme’ (WBCIS) in the State in 6 blocks for Apple and 4 blocks for Mango crops during the Rabi season 2009-10 on pilot basis. With encouraging response from farmers and its successful implementation, the coverage under this scheme has been extended year by year. Presently the scheme is being implemented in 36 blocks for Apple, 41 blocks for Mango, 13 blocks for Plum, 5 blocks for Peach and 15 blocks for Citrus as per the guidelines of the Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (R-WBCIS).

Following weather perils which are deemed to cause Adverse Weather Incidence, leading to crop loss, are covered under above schemes

1                    Chilling Requirement

2                    Temperature fluctuations during flowering

3                    Low Temperature

4                    Unseasonal/ excess rainfall

5                    Deficit Rainfall

6                    High Wind Speed

7                    Hailing

 Premium rate and subsidy:

Maximum insurance charges payable by the farmer are 5% of sum insured or Actuarial rate whichever is less. 

 For complete details please visit official website e udyan portal



Aims at Creation of infrastructural facilities for the Research and Education programme through financial grant to the State Horticulture University.


Ø  Human Resource development of rural youth for their capacity building in horticulture to provide employment.

Ø  To promote Research in Horticulture for finding solution of problems of insects, pests and diseases, low productivity of fruit crops, plant nutritional problems, post harvest losses of horticultural produce etc.


III.        Horticulture Marketing and Quality Control:


Ø  Training on picking, grading and packing of fruits.

Ø  Market intelligence facilities.

Ø  Procurement of ‘C’ grade Apple, Mango and Citrus fruits under Market Intervention Scheme.


Ø  Training on Maturity standards and demonstration of picking, grading and packing of fruits to farmers.

Ø  Market rates of fruits are collected daily from the leading national fruit markets and broadcasted daily from AIR.

Incentives on State Plan Schemes

Ø  Subsidy on Horticulture production inputs

                        25% to small farmers, 33.3% to marginal farmers and

                        50% to scheduled caste/tribe and backward area farmers

Ø  Subsidy on pesticides

                        50% to small farmers and 30% to big farmers

Ø  Subsidy for Development of  Floriculture   

                         Rs. 13,000 per individual for a unit of 0.2 hectare

Ø  Subsidy on pasteurized compost and pesticides for Mushroom  cultivation

                        25% to small / marginal farmers/Unemployed Graduates

                        50% to Scheduled caste/ Scheduled tribe and IRDP farmers

                        100% subsidy on transportation cost of compost


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