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1.            RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJNA (Additional Central Sponsored Scheme):

Ø  RKVY-RAFTAAR aims at making farming a remunerative economic activity through strengthening the farmer’seffort, risk mitigation and promoting agri-business entrepreneurship.

Ø  To strengthen the farmersefforts through creation of required pre and post-harvest agri-infrastructure that increases access to quality inputs, storage, market facilities etc. and enables farmers to make informed choices.

Ø  To provide autonomy, flexibility to States to plan and execute schemes as per local/ farmers needs.

Ø  To mitigate risk of farmers with focus on additional income generation activities - like integrated farming, mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, aromatic plant cultivation, floriculture etc.

Ø To empower youth through skill development, innovation and agri-entrepreneurship based agribusiness models that attract them to agriculture.

To spur growth in the Agriculture and allied sectors, incentivize States to draw up comprehensive agriculture development plans taking into account agro-climatic conditions, natural resources and technology for ensuring more inclusive and integrated development of agriculture and allied sector, an Additional Central Assistance (ACA) Scheme Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna was launched during 2007-08. The scheme has since been implemented as a State Plan Scheme for which budget is earmarked under the Annual Plan. Based on feedback received from States, experiences garnered during Implementation in XI Plan and inputs provided by Stakeholders, Operational Guidelines of RKVY have been revised to not only enhance efficiency and efficacy of the programme but also its inclusiveness during XII Plan period.

RKVY aims at achieving and sustaining desired annual growth during the XII Plan period, by holistic development of Agriculture and allied sectors with the following objectives:

1.  To incentivize the States so as to increase public investment in Agriculture and allied sectors.

2. To provide flexibility and autonomy to States in the process of planning and executing Agriculture and allied sector schemes.

3.  To ensure the preparation of agriculture plans for the districts and the States based on agro-climatic conditions, availability of technology and natural resources.

4. To ensure that the local needs/crops/priorities are better reflected in the agricultural plans of the States.

5.  To achieve the goal of reducing the yield gaps in important crops, through focused interventions.

6.   To maximise returns to the farmers in Agriculture and allied sectors.

7.   To bring about quantifiable changes in the production and productivity of various components of Agriculture and allied sectors by addressing them in holistic manner.

Programme Components (Streams)

RKVY funds are provided to the States by the Central Government in following streams,

(a)             Production Growth

(b)             Infrastructure and Assets

(c)            Special Schemes

Production Growth:

The proposals under Production Growth Stream of RKVY envisage innovative projects, which relate to enhancing horticulture productivity and effective transfer of technology/extension services/facilities emanating from the District and State Agriculture Plans.

States can take up any project under this stream to raise production and productivity in agriculture and allied sectors viz. establishment of nurseries, area expansion in horticulture, introduction of new varieties, horticulture mechanization, improvement of soil health, promotion of organic farming etc.

Infrastructure and Assets:

Projects under this stream emanates from State Agriculture Infrastructure Development Programme (SAIDP). This normally includes projects selected on the basis of normative requirement of Infrastructure, actual availability thereof and the gap in agriculture infrastructure in the State viz. setting up of laboratories and testing facilities, storage including cold storages, mobile vans, agricultural marketing etc. This also determine sectoral classification for investment requirement for infrastructure in public and private sectors and accordingly work out financial support for funding gaps in infrastructure taking into account viability gap which would be based on financial analysis.Besides above, some research and development based projects are also being proposed and executed by the State Horticulture University for which funds are provided to the State Department of Horticulture.

For other details, please visit RKVY official website click here

 Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojna (MMMVY)

Main Objectives of the scheme for development of bee keeping in the State are as under:

  To increase productivity of crops in the State by providing honey bees to the farmers for pollination.

  To maintain ecological balance in nature, by way of domestication of honey bee species.

 To maintain small apiaries for demonstration, pollination, extraction and popularization of honey and other bee keeping products.

   To encourage farmers participation in scientific bee keeping.

  To provide technical know-how to the farmers of the State and organization of short duration training courses in bee keeping.

 Motivation of unemployed youth to adopt bee keeping as a source of their livelihood.

Cost norms and pattern of assistance for the Development of Bee keeping under Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojna in Himachal Pradesh



Name of the component


Cost norms



Distribution of bee colonies to the farmers by the Department /Bee keepers

50 Bee colonies per beneficiary

Rs.2000/-per bee colony

Rs.1600/-per bee colony @ 80% of the cost


Distribution of bee Hives made up of kail, pine,

Mango and other wood of specified standard (BIS)

50 Bee hive per beneficiary

Rs. 2000/- per bee hive.

Rs. 1600/- per bee hive@ 80% of the cost.


Distribution of bee keeping  material/ equipment

1 set per beneficiary

Rs 20000 per unit

16000 per unit@ 80% of the cost


Selection of bee breeder in every district rearing 300 colonies.

One bee-breeder

having 300 bee colonies

Rs.  3 lakh per bee breeder.

100% of the cost.


Migration grant in the form of transportation subsidy @ Rs. 5000/- per trip.

100 bee colonies per beneficiary

Rs. 10000/-per year for doing inter State migration

Rs. 10000/-per year for doing inter State migration


Incentive to the farmers rearing Apis cerana bee colonies in wall hives/Bee hives.

5 Wall hives

Assistance @ Rs.1000/-per wall hive

100% of the cost with maximum of 5 wall hives


5 days training camp for the novice bee keepers every year.

25 farmers

Rs. 400/ day per farmer

100% of the cost.


7 days training camp for the commercial Bee keepers of the State in the field/apiaries.

20 farmer

Rs. 1000/ day per farmer

100% of the cost.


Exposure visit of the farmers to the reputed institutions in the country or abroad for 15 days.

20 farmer

Rs. 7000/- per farmer

Project based. 100% of the cost.


Training programmes for the trainees of the Department.

Technical Officer

Rs. 5.00 Lakh per participant

Project based. 100% of the cost


Establishment of Honey Processing Unit

Per Unit

Rs.  50.00 Lakh per unit

Project based. 100% of the cost.


Incentive to the farmers for the plantation of bee flora in 2 Bighas of land.


Rs. 3500/- per farmer

50% of the cost with maximum of Rs. 3500/- per beneficiary


Publication of literature, Documentary, journals, Bulletin and distribution to the bee keepers.



100% of the cost.


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